This graduating high school senior wanted to transform his smile prior to leaving for college. This was accomplished with crown lengthening surgery to lengthen his teeth and porcelain veneers.
This recent college graduate was unhappy with her worn, chipped upper teeth and missing upper left eye tooth. Her smile was dramatically improved by tissue trimming and porcelain veneers.
Restoration of a worn dentition in 3 visits with porcelain veneers.
This recent high school graduate wanted to close the spaces between her teeth and have a more mature smile as she headed to college. Porcelain veneers were used to create a more appealing smile.
Porcelain veneers used to replace old bonding.
This patient had a fixed bridge placed by another dentist and was unhappy with the esthetics. It was replaced after alteration of the gum height with a new fixed bridge.
This middle aged woman wanted a more youthful smile. She presented with a gummy smile with dark, discolored teeth. We accomplished this result with a combination of crown lengthening and porcelain crowns.
Smile restored with placement of 8 Upper All Porcelain Crowns (Caps). Gumline and incisal edges are now uniform. Patient now has longer, better shaped teeth to enhance the smile line and aid in chewing/biting function.
Significant tooth wear can leave your smile aged and unaesthetic. All ceramic restorations can make a big difference in one's appearance.
This adult patient suffered a traumatic hockey accident as a child and his front tooth was treated with a root canal and a crown. As an adult, the tooth fractured and Dr. Babushkin replaced it with a dental implant and crown. By maintaining the gum tissue scallop and matching the crown, the replacement is indiscernible from the rest of the natural teeth.
This tooth required replacement due to resorption, a process where the tooth is attacked by one's own immune system and becomes hollow. Notice the pinkish hue. A single dental implant, with a custom zirconia abutment and crown, gave this patient a permanent tooth replacement that is esthetic and functional.
This adult patient had tooth supported upper bridge that failed. Dr. Babushkin replaced it with an implant supported fixed bridge secured on 6 dental implants.
This congenitally missing lateral incisor was replaced with a dental Implant and crown in conjunction with some esthetic bonding, resulting in a balanced and esthetic smile.
This patient suffered lifelong periodontal disease. Immediate dental implants and a fixed hybrid prothesis transformed her smile in one day.
Replacement of old bonding to close space between front teeth.
Discolored filling replaced with a new composite filling.
Amalgam restoration replaced with composite resin. Note fracture lines from around old silver filling.